Undergraduate coursework

Courses that I took from September 2020 to June 2024 during my time at U of T. I took notes for time series and regression which probably have mistakes.


  • APM462: Nonlinear Optimization
  • APM421: Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Information Theory
  • MAT1510: Deep Learning: Theory & Data Science
  • MAT477: Seminar in Mathematics
  • MAT461: Hamiltonian Mechanics
  • MAT457: Advanced Real Analysis I
  • MAT377: Mathematical Probability. D. Panchenko: Introduction to Probability Theory
  • MAT367: Differential Geometry. Spivak: A Comprehensive Introduction to Differential Geometry, Vol. 1
  • MAT357: Foundations of Real Analysis. C. Pugh: Real Mathematical Analysis
  • MAT354: Complex Analysis I. L. Ahlfors: Complex Analysis, H. Cartan: Elementary Theory of Analytic Functions of One Or Several Complex Variables.
  • MAT351: Partial Differential Equations. W. Strauss: Partial Differential Equations: An Introduction
  • MAT344: Introduction to Combinatorics. M. Kelle and T. Trotter: Applied Combinatorics
  • MAT327: Introduction to Topology. J. Munkres: Topology
  • MAT315: Introduction to Number Theory. G. Jones and M. Jones: Elementary Number Theory
  • MAT267: Advanced Ordinary Differential Equations. M. Hirsch, S. Smale, and R. Devaney: Differential Equations, Dynamical Systems, and an Introduction to Chaos
  • MAT257: Analysis II. M. Spivak: Calculus on Manifolds
  • MAT247: Algebra II.S. Axler: Linear Algebra Done Right
  • MAT240: Algebra I. S. Axler: Linear Algebra Done Right
  • MAT157: Analysis I. M. Spivak: Calculus


  • STA457: Time Series Analysis
  • STA414: Statistical Methods for Machine Learning II
  • STA314: Statistical Methods for Machine Learning. G. James, D. Witten, T. Hastie, and R. Tibshirani: Introduction to Statistical Learning
  • STA304: Surveys, Sampling, and Observational Data
  • STA303: Methods of Data Analysis II
  • STA302: Methods of Data Analysis I
  • STA261: Probability and Statistics II
  • STA257: Probability and Statistics I

Computer Science

  • CSC207: Software Design
  • CSC148: Introduction to Computer Science

Breadth and other

  • CHM151: Introduction to Chemistry
  • LAT102: Latin II. F. Moreland and R. Fleischer: Latin: An Intensive Course
  • LAT101: Latin I. F. Moreland and R. Fleischer: Latin: An Intensive Course
  • LIN200: Introduction to Language
  • VIC172: Physical Sciences Today
Last modified 2024.02.28